You may or may not believe things I have written about the rapture. I know it is difficult for some to believe and I will admit that there are some things we simply don’t understand. There are many interpretations about the End Times events in Bible prophecy.
The rapture is when Jesus returns to take away the believers - including those who had died - from the earth as He has promised.
The world will be in total chaos like it has never experienced before.
So what happens If you are left behind, what happens next? Is there any hope?
Here are some things you need to know:
Do NOT take the Mark of the Beast
Under NO circumstance should you take the Mark of the Beast. There will be no repentance if you choose to take this mark.
Do not believe the explanations given by the secular media.
This should be no surprise to anyone now. The media will slant the explanation to whatever they are instructed to do. Don’t expect to get the truth of what has happened.
Get rid of your smartphone
As you can probably understand, your phone will be a way for the government to track you.
Make sure you have a printed Bible.
If you have never given the Bible much thought before the rapture, you will need a copy so that you will know what is ahead and what to expect. Don’t trust in digital versions as they could be tracked.
Leave your home and get away from the cities, especially the big cities.
You must be prepared to “live off the grid” where you can evade those who will seek you out for not taking the mark and your rejection of pledging loyalty to the beast.
Don’t go to church.
You read this right. Avoid any church because they will be controlled by the government and will not be a place of refuge for you.
Prepare a way to get food and find shelter
Once you have realized that you have missed the rapture, gather as much non-perishable food as possible and prepare to leave your home.
Get a small, self-powered radio.
If you can’t get the kind you crank by hand, get a battery-operated radio and a good supply of batteries, because you’re going to need to listen. Don’t believe the propaganda, but believe when they tell you about certain events relating to wars and geophysical calamities. You’ll be able to know what will happen next by reading Revelation 6-19.
Can you still become a believer after the rapture? Yes, but it will be extremely difficult. Bible prophecy states that there will be 144,000 Jewish evangelists which will be released into the world. (Rev 7:4) Even if you become a believer you will face extreme persecution and possibly execution if you refuse to deny Christ.
Look, I know this isn’t positive news and sounds a bit far fetched but when it happens you will want to know how to survive if you miss the rapture.