Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Butterfly Effect Decisions

President's Message: The Butterfly Effect – Stirling

Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect?

This is a theory that a small butterfly flapping its wings could eventually cause a typhoon because of how one act could impact others.

I know.  It is a far out science fiction idea but the truth is that there are times when one decision in our lives could potentially affect others.  It can get really deep if you spend some time to think on this.

I always point back to one "butterfly effect" moment in my own life when the decision of a pastor to take a job in another state led to my father filling his vacate position at the church.  His decision affected the future of my life.  If that didn't happen, I would have not met my future wife.  

Sometimes we are aware when we face those "butterfly effect" decisions and sometimes we are unaware.  That's why we always need God's direction.  I have always depended on God to direct my path.  Many times when we are seeking God's direction for decisions in our lives we want a burning bush moment where it is absolutely clear what God wants us to do.  Unfortunately we do not always get signs that clear and precise but we have to trust God with each step we take.  

I used to stress out about decisions and wanting to be in the "perfect will" of God.  I have learned that even if I make the wrong decision that God can use that and get me on the right path.  We can't always get it right.  Many times we won't know until we go further in our lives and look back at what happened.

I can tell you that I have had very few "burning bush" moments where it was clear where God was leading me.  We can't depend on a clear answer every time.  Why?  I don't know.  I wish I knew the answer to that.  

I'm sure you've heard the saying that "God works in mysterious ways".  That He certainly does and He's under NO obligation to report to us what he is doing.  The key to making decisions and trusting God is faith.  Faith to trust that God has things in control.  Many times we simply must take one step at a time.

I'm often big into signs but we have to be careful not to rely so much on burning bush signs but take the next step.  Trust God and take another step.  Is it easy?  No.  Is it worth it?  Absolutely.