Sunday, October 13, 2024

Who Would Jesus Vote For?

Like it or not, the 2024 Presidential election is upon us. Lines have been drawn and sides have been chosen. So it is now time for us to choose.

So who would Jesus vote for?

Would He cast His vote for Donald Trump or would He choose Kamala Harris?

While there are some evangelical leaders who have called one of the candidates the “chosen one”, the truth is that neither candidate in this election before us is the perfect Christian choice.

If you attend a church with a preacher who tells you who to vote for, you need to find another church. If your Bible lifts up a person or a country you need to get another Bible.  Jesus is not American and believe it or not, the United States of America is not his chosen people.  It is not his mission to lift up a country or a political candidate, His mission is the same as it always has been to go into ALL the world to preach the gospel and save those who are lost.

Jesus would not vote for either.

Jesus is not going to tell us who to vote for. This is our free will choice and we will have to live with who wins the election. Jesus didn’t come here to establish an earthly kingdom. He didn’t do it before and He isn’t doing it now. We are repeating the same misinformation as the Jews had when Jesus came.  They assumed that Jesus was coming as an earthly king who would overthrow Rome. Even when pressed about government matters, He told the disciples to render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.

Many are under the assumption that a candidate is going to be the one who makes the United States a Christian nation.  Do we really want a government to force everyone to be Christian?  How well has that policy worked out in the past?  You can’t force people to accept Jesus and believe.  Sure, it would be nice if everyone did but we need to be realistic and know that this isn’t going to happen.  Forcing a Christian Nationalism will ultimately backfire.  We can’t vote for a candidate simply because we believe they appear to be pro-Christian.  Let’s not forget that the anti-Christ is going to deceive many in the same way.

So if Jesus wouldn’t vote should we?  Yes, we should absolutely vote.  Some are afraid of what may happen during this election but I continue to tell them that all we can do is vote.  Just do our part.  We can’t control everything else that may or may not happen.  As believers, we have spent too much time distracted by politics and candidates pandering to evangelicals rather than the main thing.

Political candidates will pander to the evangelical vote but let us not be deceived into thinking someone is going to usher in some utopian Christian nation.  Why are we thinking that things are going to get better when we are in the end times and we know that it will only get worse?  We can’t be deceived or distracted here!  God loved the world (not just America) so much that He gave His only begotten Son that anyone (Republican, Democrat or Independent) who believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life.  

It has grieved my heart to see how politicians have divided believers.  We judge someone’s faith based on their choice of political party.  What we don’t see is that Satan has successfully entered in to divide us because he knows that this is how he can weaken the effectiveness of believers.  When I see how we have become divided, I go back to an old Christian song which was recorded by the group First Call.  The title of the song was “Undivided” and I will leave you with the lyrics.  You can also listen to the song here:

We may worship different ways
We may praise Him
And yet spend all of our days
Living life divided
But when we seek Him with open hearts
He removes the walls we built
That keep us apart
We trust Him to unite us
In our hearts, we're undivided
Worshiping one Savior, one Lord
In our hearts, we're undivided
Bound by His spirit forevermore
It doesn't matter if we agree
All He asks is that we serve Him faithfully
And love as He first loved us
He made us in His image
And in His eyes, we are all the same
And though out methods they may be different
Jesus is the bond that will remain
In our hearts, we're undivided
Worshiping one Savior, one Lord
In our hearts, we're undivided
Bound by His spirit forevermore