Sunday, September 29, 2024

Being Anxious for Nothing?

The Bible says to “be anxious for nothing” but can you?

I know that I often have troubles with this one.

Anxieties are a part of life. I spend a lot of my time working to keep my anxiety level down. At times, it takes a lot of effort.

I recall one time in my previous work life when I was doing my job in the courtroom during a trial and my equipment had failed me, but I was able to resolve the issue and get everything back. During the break one of my co-workers commented on how I had been calm but I told him that although I appeared calm on the outside that I was freaking out on the inside.

I'm sure that all of those years of suppressing my anxieties have contributed to my high blood pressure issues.

I know the Bible tells us not to worry but I still do. Why is that? Honestly, it’s hard to let go and exactly how do we do that?

Psalms 94:19 tells us that “In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul.”

What does THAT mean?

Our anxieties are also addressed in 1 Peter 5:7 when it tells us to “cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

How does one “cast” it?

There isn’t a tangible way anyone can just “cast” their cares and anxieties on God and let his comforts delight our souls. I have no way of explaining this to you. I do know from firsthand experience that when I have gotten to a place where I have accepted the peace of God for my heart that I wasn’t anxious anymore. When I have fully and completely put my trust in God, I have found peace from my worries. I won’t sugar coat it or give you some Christian cliche about this. It isn’t easy to do but once you do, you will understand.

Worrying doesn’t do anything for us. We all worry but have to know that when we have reached to the end of ourselves that we can’t control everything, but we can relinquish control to the one who is in control whether we like it or not.

The only way I have been able to "cast" my cares and anxieties on Christ was to just take a mental timeout in the middle of my worrying and refocus my mind and emotions. I have to remember that I can put my trust in God to take care of me regardless of the outcome. Many times, I find songs which encourage me and renew my faith. I can tell you that every time I have needed a song that I have found it. Over a year ago when I was cut from my job, you can imagine the anxiety and worry I was going through. During that time, I found the song "Desert Road" by Casting Crowns which I played at least once a day to help me through it and keep my focus when the anxieties overcame me.

That's what has worked for me. It may be something different for you, but you just have to find what that is. It's never easy but when the load on us gets heavy, we must find a way to get through it.