Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Last 4th of July?

Tattered Flag - TV Tropes

Today is July 4th.  The United States of America turns 248 years old today.

Could this be the last 4th of July as we know it?

This is not the same country nor are we united.

I remember when I was in the military that any time I stood for the national anthem that my heart swelled with pride and the service I was doing for my country.  Today when I stand for the national anthem I cry for how fall our country has fallen.  

With what we see in our country today this isn't freedom.  Our freedom is slowly unraveling right before our eyes.  We have been deceived and lulled to sleep.  I fear that the recent Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity has possibly opened something that we will never get back in the box again and will further divide our country.

I remember when we cheered together when the U.S. Olympic Hockey team became the "Miracle on Ice" in 1980.  How we cheered when Rocky fought Ivan Drago in Rocky IV. We came together when we were attacked on September 11th.  

We can't say that today.  Today there are clearly lines drawn based on your political affiliation.  This is dumb.  How have we gotten here?  Will we ever recover?

We don't need Christian nationalism either.  We don't need the Ten Commandments back in the schools.  Forcing Christianity is NOT the answer.  Sure, I would love if everyone was a believer in Christ but that is a voluntary decision that each person must make.  Unfortunately, Christianity and Politics have mixed more than ever before.  Neither of our political parties are right.  They are flawed.  

There is an agenda out there to destroy what remains of the freedom we celebrate today.  The agenda is Project2025.  You can read about it here:

Project 2025 is a massive, 920-page document that outlines exactly what the next Trump presidency would look like. This doesn’t just include policy proposals — like immigration actions, educational proposals and economic plans — but rather a portrait of the America that conservatives hope to implement in the next Republican administration, be it Trump or someone else. The document is a thorough blueprint for how, exactly, to carry out such a vision, through recommendations for key White House staff, cabinet positions, Congress, federal agencies, commissions and boards. The plan goes so far as to outline a vetting process for appointing and hiring the right people in every level of government to carry out this vision. 

Project 2025 is “a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist’s paradise.” The primary document of Project 2025, the magazine explains, lays out what is essentially a “Christian nationalist vision of the United States, one in which married heterosexuality is the only valid form of sexual expression and identity; all pregnancies would be carried to term, even if that requires coercion or death; and transgender and gender-nonconforming people do not exist.”

If this is implemented it will not be America anymore.  This is a direct threat to freedom.

I know many people think that one political party will lead America back to being a Christian nation.  This is a deception that many of today's prominent Evangelical leaders are falling for.  It is a very dangerous time for the church and for America.  Like it or not, the spirit of the Antichrist is a clear and present danger and is preparing the way.

Am I saying that Donald Trump could be the Antichrist?  Maybe not THE Antichrist but quite possibly the forerunner of the coming of the Antichrist.   Trump's cultish following is like no other we have ever seen.  The past several years have shown how the unity of American can be weakened by a charismatic leader.  This makes the United States vulnerable to such an individual.

According to, probably the most important factor in identifying the Antichrist is a relationship with the nation of Israel. The Bible teaches that the Antichrist will forge a 7-year peace covenant with Israel but then break the covenant after 3.5 years (Daniel 9:27). The Antichrist will then essentially attempt a second Holocaust, the annihilation of the nation of Israel and Jews around the world. Donald Trump has stated his strong support for the nation of Israel. Trump claims that he will come to Israel’s defense should it be attacked. Interestingly, Trump has described negotiating peace between Israel and the Palestinians as the "ultimate deal." It is possible that some form of agreement between Israel and the Palestinians will be part of the end-times’ seven-year peace covenant.

While Trump does possess some traits that are similar to the Bible’s description of the Antichrist, the same could be said of many world leaders. Further, there are serious questions regarding whether it is possible that the Antichrist could be a non-Jewish / non-Semitic person. In our evaluation, it is highly unlikely that Donald Trump is the Antichrist. Ultimately, though, the answer to the question has to be “wait and see.” Insert any other name into that question, and the answer remains the same. Second Thessalonians 2:3 states that the Antichrist, “the man of lawlessness,” will be revealed when “the rebellion occurs”—it will be abundantly clear who he is when the time comes. Rather than speculating about various scenarios and demonizing people with whom we disagree, our responsibility is to be wise and discerning, based on what the Bible says about the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 13:1-4).

I know this blog post may upset some of you.  I am very sympathetic about that but I also think it is important to speak the truth.  Many don't agree and I am not going to debate it.  I still have freedom today to speak my opinion.  People like to say they like to agree to disagree until you disagree with them.  You can just discard me as being a conspiracy advocate or a religious nut.  It is my feeling that this is a dangerous time and next year's "Independence Day" could look a lot different.