Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Seasons of Our Lives

In the last month, our family has welcomed two new additions. The newborns have entered the first season of their lives. I can only imagine what the world will look like through their eyes and the experiences they will have in their future.

Life is like the seasons in nature. It changes. Sometimes the changes happen too fast and sometimes not fast enough.

There are times that I am not sure if I was ready for the season that I was in. Right now I am 60. That age doesn’t seem real to me but here I am. Fortunately I am still in good health. I don’t know what to expect in this season in my life but I hope that I can adjust to whatever I will face.

I think about how priorities change with each season of life. What was so important when I was younger isn’t important now. In this season of my life, I am thinking of keeping my blood pressure under control, financial security and just finishing well. I’m no longer chasing “the dream” or trying to pursue a career.

The Bible tells me that God is the same. (Hebrews 13:8) That’s always a comforting thought. He’s with us in every season of our lives. More than anything else, that gives me security. God doesn’t toss us to the side when we get old like the world does.

The changes in our lives as we pass from season to season are a part of our journey. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 reminds us that there is a time for every season and purpose for everything. During the different seasons, we can trust God for strength and guidance as we navigate through them. He promises in Isaiah 41:10 to “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.” Faith during these times helps us to grow and trust in God’s plan for our lives.

Whatever season you are in, try to adjust to it and make the most of your opportunities in that season.