Thursday, July 11, 2024


Every summer I find myself reminiscing about attending church camp in my younger days. Without a doubt my favorite song we learned in one of the camps was “Runner” by Twila Paris. That song is still on my playlist. It continues to inspire me today.

The chorus says:
Runner when the road is long
Feel like giving in, but you're hanging on
Oh runner, when the race is won
You will run into His arms

I am a believer and I will be honest and admit that there have been many times I felt like giving up. It isn’t always easy. It’s definitely not been the most popular choice. I have done a lot of “hanging on” during my own journey. My grandpa once said that living for Christ is like climbing a steep hill. The way is full of briars that you have to get through but if you don’t give up eventually you will make it to the top.

I am determined to make it to the top. I have been at this too long to turn back now.

The Christian life has been compared to a race. It isn’t a race against other people but it is a race that we finish. Everyone runs their own race. You don’t know me and you can’t possibly know all that I have been through to get here. My goal is to finish. It might not be smooth or pretty. In the end, I want to run into His arms. That is the MOST important thing about the race.

I grew up in the church and I have bounced around spiritually to stay on course. It has taken me in directions that I never imagined I would go. I can tell you that there will be people - even other believers - who will judge you and have their opinion about your race. The thing to remember is that no one can run the race for you. You and I have to do it ourselves and sometimes even in the face of opposition from other believers.

What is amazing about this race is that we have a cheering section. Hebrews 12:1 tells us “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”.

I’m far from perfect. I get frustrated and I have the same emotions that you do. This isn’t an easy race. Sometimes I fall but I continue to get back up and press on. It is my passion to finish my race.