Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Blessed Are The Moody

Ask anyone that has known me and they might describe me as being a bit moody at times.  It isn’t something that I am proud of and I have struggled to improve in that area.  Unfortunately, as much as I try, I still surrender to my moods.  I remember reading the comments from someone at church who was interviewed about me and she made the observation that I could be “quite moody” at times.  Yeah, you can imagine what kind of mood that put me in.  The thing about this “observation” was that this person didn’t really know me and - if I’m being honest - I didn’t like being around this person.    

Those who truly know me, understand my moods and they know how to handle me when I am not the best version of myself.  I hate to admit that I can be quite sensitive at times.  Someone’s words or actions can prick me and cause my change in mood.  My wife knows me pretty well and she can sense when my mood is different.  There are times she will just ask me “what are you mad about?”   She knows.  Sometimes I’m actually not mad but she can sense the mood change in me.  

It is a constant battle I fight.  It’s hard for me to keep an even keel in my mood and attitude.  There are people I have met who I wish I could be like.  They keep an even mood all the time.  This is a challenge for me. I have said it many times that it isn’t always easy to be me. 

Fortunately I have noticed that as I grow older I have become more mellow than when I was younger.  I’m far from being perfect but it’s better than the impatience of my youth.

So what are some things that make us moody? 

  • Illness - Being physically sick or in pain is probably the main thing that can set our mood.  When I’m suffering with a painful headache I don’t want to talk.  There is no hiding it.  Pain is inevitable and affects us.
  • Others - What someone says or does something negative to us, it can shut us down and change our attitude quickly.  It definitely does that to me.  If someone is negative to me I will shut down and put up my emotional walls.  
  • Environment - If we are too hot or too cold or uncomfortable, it can affect our mood.
  • Hungry - Even heard of being “hangry”?   Yep, that definitely can affect our attitude.
The good news is that in spite of our moods, God stills loves us regardless.  I’m not saying He condones it but He certainly understands even if we don’t understand ourselves.  In times of moodiness, it’s important remember that our emotions can be influenced by many things but we can find peace in God.  Psalm 34:17-18 reminds us that the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.  Don’t leave God out when you are moody.  The temptation is remain silent and not pray but that is a mistake.  We have to trust in God’s love and seek His presence in our lives whether we feel like talking to Him or not.