Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Reality of an Inconsiderate World

I recently went to see a movie. My seat was kicked throughout the entire movie.

This is the main reason that I dread going to see a movie or a show.

It’s not just this but just going out in public can make you discouraged about humanity. Don’t believe me? Just get in your car and drive somewhere. You will experience it soon enough.

People do not think of others, and they do not take responsibility on how they act affects others

It makes me sad.

Okay, I’m not saying everyone is like this. There are a few but they are not the majority. In today’s world, there are no consequences for bad behavior, and you can’t call anyone out or you will be made to be the bad guy or worse.

Recently there was a news report of a man being stabbed while getting gas for absolutely no reason. This has become our normal.

What is wrong with people?

Is it in the water? Someone has suggested that as a possible explanation. There could be some truth to that.

I have lost my faith in people. Not the ones closest to me but those outside of my circle. I now find myself expecting the worst in people. You can’t assume that people will do the right thing or even the things that are expected. I think it got even worse after COVID. The isolation that we were all in caused some sort of social transformation in people. The shutdowns, masking and distancing made us all a little crazy.

No, this isn’t my usual spiritual Christian blog. I’m a bit down about my fellow man right now.

All because of someone kicking my seat in a movie theatre? No but it served as a harsh reality check.

I can’t change it or change the behavior of others. The only thing that I can control is me so I try to do that, but it is damn hard to do good when others are doing you wrong. What happened to thinking about others or doing unto others as you would have them do unto you? It is gone my friends. We will never get that back. I’m even wondering why I bother thinking about others myself. It seems to be a listing effort.

I am seriously considering moving to another country but where would we go? There are inconsiderate people everywhere.

Sorry, I don’t have any Bible verses for this blog. I don’t know how to put a positive spin on the people in our world. With technology making us more social we are actually less social than ever.

I suppose that the most we can do is to make the difference in being the kind of people we want others to be.

Nothing I write here is going to make a difference, but I hope that we all can do our part in being aware of people around us and be considerate of how we treat people who are not in our circle.

A little consideration 

A little thought

Makes all the difference 
