Thursday, May 30, 2024

Pulling the Weeds of Life

I enjoy working outside when the weather is nice, but my least favorite outdoor chore is when I have to pull weeds. I have tried using both commercial and homemade weed killers, but nothing really does the job like getting down on the ground in the dirt and pulling the weeds by hand.

There is nothing fancy about it. You have to get in the dirt and extract the weeds from the roots. If you don't get down deep enough, they will just grow back.  When I was pulling the weeds in my yard last week, I thought about how weeding applies to our spiritual lives. We must take time to examine ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5) and weed out things in our lives which hinder us. The Bible also tells us to lay aside every weight and sin (Hebrews 12:1). That means things are going to come up that we will need to weed out.

There are many things that can become weeds in our lives. The first thing that came to my mind was the weed of unforgiveness. This one gives us a lot of problems. I have also had problems with this one myself at times.  I have said many times that we need to be good at forgiving quickly. Unforgiveness can take root quickly in our lives if we don’t deal with it immediately. When there is an issue that we haven’t either asked forgiveness or received forgiveness from someone, it can totally choke out our relationship with God. That’s why we need to constantly weed this one out.

There are other things that can become weeds in our lives. Greed can be another where we value money over anything else. The Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6:10) Isn’t that something we see a lot in America today? That’s a whole blog in itself.

Lust and sexual sin can be another weed. I know this isn’t very comfortable to talk about but when you don’t deal with these types of weeds, the roots get deeper and can get out of control. Sexual sin is something that people like to keep as a secret but it ain’t a secret if God sees it. The more you feed lust the more it takes of you. It’s sad how people think they control it but the deception is that it controls them the longer they go without weeding it out.

Weeding isn’t fun but it is necessary in the life of a believer, and it is a constant task we must be diligent in doing.  We can't ever think we've got it made.  None of us are perfect so we must keep weeding and make sure we keep out the things that will hinder our relationship with God.

So how do we "weed" our lives?
  1. Stay in communication with God.  Talk about it and let Him talk to you.  
  2. Don't ignore the weight and sin that need to be weeded out.  
  3. Constantly examine your life so you are vigilant about any weeds.
  4. Ask advice of someone you trust.  
Weeding takes effort.  There is no easy way about it.  Just as it is with chores in the yard around your home, you want to maintain it.  We have to do the same thing about our spiritual lives.  

Your mind is a garden
Your thoughts are the seeds
You can grow flowers
Or you can grow weeds.