Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Unknown Battles

We live in some tough times.

So many people deal with battles that we don't see. We are oblivious to the fact that people around us are going through things.

Sadly, there are some who are ticking bombs. Their internal battles will push them to either harm themselves or others.

Social media and smartphones have isolated us as we only focus on our friends or followers. People outside of our circle are invisible. Their existence and battles are insignificant to us.

The photo in the picture was one I took of a guy who was in line in front of me to board a plane. I took the photo and then I told him I liked the message. I ended up sitting next to him and he shared a website where I ordered the same shirt.

The group which makes these shirts is called the Til Valhalla project. "Valhalla" refers to "the hall of the Fallen" in Norse mythology. Their mission is to honor military veterans who have fallen. They donate a portion of their proceeds towards providing therapy to struggling veterans. For more information and to visit their store go to:

We all could use a reminder. It doesn’t take much to look for reasons to be nice to others, but it seems to be difficult. We never seem to see that God orders our steps to put us in a position to touch others and we completely miss it. Divine appointments are special and gives us a chance to be the people that this world needs.

Our world is in desperate need of kindness not violence. We need to look to do good, not so quick to grab a gun to settle things. The Message Bible tells us to "make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32)

You don’t have a calling to be used of God to help others. It’s not just limited to preachers, and it doesn’t take any special training. You just need to do it. Instead of looking THROUGH people, we need to look TO people and offer compassion. We may never know what kind of effect a kind word or act of kindness will impact someone. People we encounter have a backstory that we know nothing about. We CAN make a difference by being a light to someone else.

I will be honest with you. This is easier to do when you're not hungry, have a headache or temperature isn’t right. Sometimes it is more difficult than other times when you don't feel like it.

Compassion and kindness are closely linked. Compassion can be defined as “heartfelt sympathy or empathy toward those who are suffering or in need.” Kindness is the helpful spirit that sees someone else in need and is motivated to respond through good deeds. Kindness is the tangible action that results from compassion. Kindness goes beyond mere words; it translates into helping and serving one another.  (

Everyday people pass us by.  Some are filled with pain or despair.  They may either put up a fake smile to hide their pain or scowl on their brow to show the weight of what they are carrying.  We can be the light in their world.  We have all been there with our own private battles and pain.  None of us are exempt from it.  It's certainly time to be the reason that someone has hope to win their inner battles.