Saturday, November 11, 2023

Angry Birds Behind the Wheel

I will begin this blog with a disclaimer that I do not fancy myself as the world's best driver.  There are times I am not at my best, but I have noticed that there are a lot of drivers out there who are more aggressive than in the past.

Our local law enforcement is frequently conducting task force operations to crack down on road rage and aggressive driving. I can’t remember it being as bad as it is now. It seems that this has gotten worst since the pandemic. People have a short fuse - especially behind the wheel.

The two things that I encounter the most are people who insist on driving as fast as they possibly can and those who want to push me down the road. Why are people in such a hurry? Drivers have absolutely no patience for others on the road.

There are things that other drivers do which puzzles me.

First, there is a crazy expectation of drivers who enter the highway that they expect drivers who are already on the highway to stop if necessary to let them on. This is NOT how it works. Drivers entering the highway are supposed to adjust THIER speed to safely merge. I am amazed at those who don’t know this.

Then there are the no-blame drivers who fuss at you if you call them out for doing something wrong. You can’t tap your horn or alert someone when they are doing something wrong. Some will pull a gun on you as their response instead of taking responsibility and moving on.

There are also those who seem to do anything else expect concentrate on actually driving. There is so much distracted driving today as people try to use their GPS or text while driving. I have gotten behind or passed people who were engaging in these activities.

It would seem that people are doing everything EXCEPT driving. Look, I know driving from one place to another is less than thrilling but it is necessary that we realize that all the other drivers out there are also trying to get to where they are going. I have tried to do a better job of not taking things personally when someone cuts me off or other aggressive maneuvers. They don't know me or who I am. To them I am just an obstacle in their way. It is sad that some think that pulling out a gun and shooting is necessary.

I think we all can give examples of how bad driving can be today. Instead of driving with consideration of others, the rule seems to be that drivers can do whatever they want. It is good if we try to develop the attitude that we are looking for reasons to be nice to people. Let people merge or allow them to pass. It doesn't take a lot to be nice to people.

We should do our best to restrain our rage while driving and not allow aggressive actions to affect us. Develop some think skin while on the roads.

Remember that the other driver's anger isn't about you. Road rage is often related to underlying emotional regulation issues, so try not to give other drivers an "excuse" to lose control. Don't block lanes, don't cut off other drivers, and make sure you're going at an appropriate speed.

I know that it takes incredible restraint sometimes to take the "high road" when someone is tailgating you or acting reckless without regard for your safety.  It's not easy to keep from reacting aggressively in return.  Let's do our best to keep our feathers from being ruffled.