It's annoying when the washing machine stops working, you get a flat tire or electricity goes out on you. We are never prepared for these things but unfortunately the reality is that mechanical things are going to break.
I don't like it when things break. I never find joy in having to buy new tires for the car. There are some that think these things shouldn't happen to believers. Well, things are going to break regardless if you have a relationship with God or not. Stuff happens. I heard a preacher one time talk about when the devil bombs your washing machine. I don't think it's always a spiritual warfare thing but we all will be dealt with things breaking on us.
I have TRIED to refrain from my first reaction to be complaining to God about it. Instead, I have tried to do better in my response by asking God to help me in these situations. There won't always be a divine intervention for when things don't go our way, but God can help us to be calm and think clearly while helping us find solutions.
Last year we were faced with owing a large tax bill when we had our taxes done. It wasn't something we expected. I did pray that God would provide the funds to pay this bill and believed He would up until the time we had to submit our taxes to the IRS. Did He provide? No. He did not. I was disappointed but I wasn't mad. I just had to figure out another way to make payments on it. Could God still provide? Sure, He could. Just because God does or doesn't respond shouldn't change our faith in Him. I will be honest and tell you that I don't always understand. A preacher I once knew would always say that God won't give you the ticket until you are about to get on the train. I'm sorry but there are times that I've totally missed the train because God never responded. If you don't have a true understanding of God, these things will rock you.
We just have to accept the fact that things break, our cars will need to be repaired, and we won't always have the funds to pay unexpected bills. God won't always bail us out, but He will be WITH us in the situation. It isn't always a "test" from God when things break. It's just that it happens. I have known people who want to make everything as being some sort of spiritual warfare in their lives. Does God work through some of these things that happen to us? Absolutely. There are times He will use it for His purpose. The key is for us to remain consistent in all things. Keep our trust in God regardless. Don't let it throw us.
God is trustworthy even when things break but you don't have to let it break you. Life is unpredictable and difficult at times, and that difficulty may persist for longer than you had hoped.
Wait, trust and remember that God loves you. You can trust Him to sustain you, provide for you and be with you even in the midst of your hardship. Jesus guaranteed His followers that they would face hard times (John 16:33), but He promised that He would always be with them (Matthew 28:20).God is completely trustworthy, but He does not ask you to trust Him blindly. He wants you to learn to trust Him as you get to know Him. In the book of Romans, one of the early followers of Jesus, Paul, writes to believers about the present life. He reminds them that this life will have hardship, but God is still working for our good.