Thursday, August 3, 2023

He's Got This!

It is comforting that when you are in need of help from a friend when they tell you:  "I got this!"  There is something solid and reassuring about that statement.  It tends to ease your anxiety over a situation knowing they will take care of it.

I recently went through a time in my own life where I logged into work one Thursday and by the end of the day, I no longer had that job.  It was crushing and devastating.  I was totally blindsided.  I spent the rest of that day down and out emotionally and mentally but the next day I got up and began by talking to God about it.  Although I didn't hear Him say it, I felt like He was reassuring me that He had it under control.  I didn't know how or where it was going to lead but I believed He would work it out.

Now, I did have moments of panic inside of me.  I won't lie to you about that.  The thought of not having a job or paycheck can really scramble your insides and I will tell you I had that scared feeling in my stomach throughout that time but even with that, I still believed that God had the situation.

My theme song during this time was "Desert Road" by Casting Crowns.  That song spoke to my situation, and I am always amazed how God will send the right song and the right time to get me through things.  This one did.  I didn't see the road ahead of me, but I was trusting that God will work.  

Now trusting didn't mean I just sat and waited for a job to come to me.  Yes, God was in control, but it was up to me to search and knock on some doors.  Initially there was one company I thought I had some hope to secure employment and at times I was so sure it would happen but there would be days of silence which drove me absolutely up the wall.  In the end, that job wasn't the right situation and I ended up in another place.  Sometimes the thing that we think is the answer turns out not to be where God wants us.  That's where we must not assume anything with God.  In the end, the place He directed my path was a better situation that I had ever imagined.  I couldn't have planned it this way.

Whatever you are going through today, know this one thing:  God's got this!   He knows before we even ask, and He is more than capable of doing abundantly and above anything we can ask or think.  Trust me on that one.  Sometimes - and I have been guilty of this MANY times - we try to force it and manipulate things for ourselves and don't realize God had us if we had just hung on a little longer.  Even with that, if we press on ahead with our own understanding, God can still use that for our good.  Hey, he knows us and our personality.  He's not surprised by what we do.  

Now, three weeks into this new job, I'm still trusting God even though I have the job.  Trusting God never ends.  I don't see the road ahead or where this will lead.  This job may be for a season, or it may lead to something else.  I have no idea what's ahead, but I know God's got this and He has me.  

This situation strengthened my faith in Him.  It will be another example I can have when I face the next trial in my life.