Thursday, August 17, 2023

Blessed But Depressed

Depression is a serious thing yet we often make light of it.  It comes in many different forms and affect us all in different ways. Even believers can get depressed.  We all have been through it.

Depression is a constant state of feeling sadness and loss of interest which stops you from doing your normal activities.  It can be minor or severe.  It isn't always caused by a single event in our lives but can be a mixture of things.  

I'm not going to lie to you and say that Jesus is all you need for your depression.  There are no religious cliches or stained glassed answers to help.  A relationship with Jesus alone isn't the complete answer but it helps to have Him involved.  When you're depressed you want real, tangible answers not Bible verses or "thoughts and prayers" from others.  Can Jesus help?  Absolutely He can but we need to find the means to pull ourselves out of that pit of depression.  Jesus isn't going to come down in a chariot and magically carry you out.  We have to make the effort to do it.  Many times we need a real skin and bones person to help us.  

Confide in someone about what you are feeling.  I mean someone you really can trust and talk to who can be honest with you.  Sometimes talking to someone helps more than anything else. It's hard to make ourselves vulnerable and be weak in front of someone else but if someone wants to help, they will understand. 

If you don't have anyone you can confide in, talk to a professional.  It doesn't have to be a "Christian" counselor or therapist but certainly choose wisely.  

The key to dealing with depression is to make the effort.  It's not going to resolve itself by doing nothing.  You are worth it.  People depend on you and care.  It's easy to close yourself in and make yourself believe that no one does.  That's just not true.  

When David and his army were defeated in Ziklag and their enemies kidnapped the women and children, David's own army wanted to stone him but the Bible says that David "encouraged himself".  (I Samuel 30:6) There are times when we have to encourage ourselves and make the decision to pull ourselves out.

Let me just tell you that the bad situations don't last forever.  It may seem that way and sometimes it may last longer than we think they should but things always change.  When we are dealing with depression always keep in mind that there are better days ahead.  It won't always be bad.  There was a book written years ago by Robert Schuller called "Tough Times Don't Last, Tough People Do."  This is how we have to look at our situation.  Don't ever look at it as hopeless and don't think you are helpless.  You can get better.  You are valuable enough to make that effort and be patient with the process.  It won't happen overnight but you can get out.

Unfortunately depression can lead to thoughts of suicide.  Giving up.  Having no hope.  If you or someone you know is at this point, it must be reinforced that ending things won't solve it.  Living to see how it turns out is worth the effort of resisting the temptation to end a life.  Even a small step away from sucidal thoughts is a reason to have hope.  There is no magical cure here.  You have to be willing to see how things work out.  

If you are entertaining thoughts of suicide, please call or text 988.  

You are not alone in facing depression.  Everyone has faced it on some level.  Please get help in some way.  Yes, Jesus is there but find a "Jesus" with skin who will help you through the tough times.  

As someone who has come out of the other side of some major depression I can tell you that you get stronger because of it.  You get to the point where you make a determined decision to be the person you want to be.  I have found that it is a process that takes time but it is worth the result.  You are worth that good result.  Give yourself that chance to see.