Saturday, July 22, 2023

Why Do I Believe in God?

Why do I believe in God? Most people would think it is a silly thing to believe.

I was taught about God from an early age but I have had to adjust my experience over the years. It has taken many years to unlearn some things. Although I believed at an early age because my parents believed, that isn’t why I believe. It has been a lifetime journey for me. My parents laid the foundation but I had to construct my life with the truths I have learned about God through my own personal relationship with his son, Jesus Christ. I haven’t be perfect and I have had times that I failed in my experience but I have always found my way back.

No, it hasn’t been an easy road and it hasn’t always been the easiest choice to follow Christ. People get defensive and unsettled when you talk about this stuff. It is easier for them not to believe than to be held accountable for their actions by God. It hasn’t always been easy for me to believe either.

Can I prove that God exists? If you don’t want to believe, there is nothing I can do to prove that He does. The thing about believing is that we don’t have to know everything. Some won’t believe unless science or their knowledge can explain it. That’s not how it works. I don’t debate about the existence of God because debates never accomplish anything. Either you believe or you don’t. My words won’t convince you.

Believing in God is a very personal experience. It’s not about protesting things or supporting a political party, it is about loving people and letting God do the rest. I get so fed up seeing how Christians have become political weapons. The Republican Party and the United States are not God’s chosen people. God’s chosen people are those who believe in him. That’s it. Period.

I also don’t serve God as an “insurance policy” to escape hell. Believing in God is more than avoiding eternal punishment. I remember the story was told that my dad’s father was never a believer. He attended church one time and heard a sermon about hell and it scared him into repentance but he never sustained that experience because it was based on being scared about going to hell rather than a personal relationship with his creator.

Do I believe Jesus is the only way? Yes I do. I don’t waste my time trying to disprove other beliefs. People will believe whatever they choose to believe. I can only speak of my own experience.

It has been wonderful life with Christ being in my life. He has always been with me and he loves me even when I have been at my worst. Trust me, I have had many of what I call “Milton moments” when I have done some really stupid things but God has helped me through those times. I have never been a super Christian or any kind of charismatic personality. I have just lived this daily and strive to improve every day.

I believe in God because nothing can separate me from his love. I don’t have to understand Him or have visitations by a host of angels. I believe because He has been my life. I wouldn’t want to know my life without Him.