Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Dealing With People Without Losing Your Religion

Is it me or is it more difficult dealing with people today?

(If it IS me let's just deal with that subject at another time.)

It seems that people have become more difficult than I remember.   If you don't know what I'm talking about just go to the grocery store on a Saturday afternoon.  I was out recently in a store and there were more people than I wanted to deal with.  People do not think of others today unless they are in their group of family or friends.  If we aren't in that group we are invisible and not given much of a thought.

I don't think people do this intentionally but I think that social media has made this worse.  If they don't know you and you aren't in their circle then you aren't important.  

I have had people reach over me in the store as if I was invisible and they never said "excuse me" or acknowledge what they have done.  Listen I made the mistake of calling someone out about that behavior one day in a store and the lady went full "Karen" mode on me when SHE was in the wrong.  People do NOT like getting called out - especially if you aren't in their circle.

Jesus said to "love your neighbor".  Sometimes I wish He hadn't said that because it has become increasingly difficult today.  Being a believer doesn't make it any easier.  The "Karen" who fussed me out even evoked religious cliches in our exchange which made it worse.  

Honestly there are times when I just retreat and regroup.  You really have to be in the right mindset to go out into public now.  People don't think of others and are quick to become angry.  One of the things I try to do is look for ways to be nice to people.  I would like to say that I am always successful in this approach but sometimes I fail.  Going out in public now requires a good dose of patience.  Drivers are impatient and have no regard for the rules of the road.  Sometimes just driving to the store can get you out of the "love your neighbor" mood before you get out of your car.

James 1:19-20 tells us to be "slow to speak and slow to anger for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God."  I like how it says "slow" because sometimes the speaking and the anger happens even if it is slow so I think James recognized that we won't always be slow enough in our dealing with people.  

Here are some ways to help us deal with people:
  • Prepare yourself for people.  Get your mind ready and pray for your own attitude before you put yourself in the situation of dealing with people.
  • Don't be in a hurry.  If you feel rushed, you won't have much success in being patient with others.
  • Avoid being "hangry".   Be sure you eat something or balance your sugar level so that your hunger issues won't affect your mood.
  • Don't take it personal.  Know that people aren't intentionally doing things to you.  Keep your expectations low.  
  • Look for ways to be kind to others.  Don't be on the defensive and wait for others to do wrong to you.  Be quick to do something right to others first.
It's a mad world out there now.  Jesus wants us to be the light of the world and I can tell you that it ain't easy.  It sounds great when the preacher talks about it in church but sometimes that feeling doesn't make it past the church parking lot.  It takes some effort on our part.  We won't always get it right but we need to try.  We can't control the selfish actions of others but we can control how we react.