Wednesday, June 14, 2023

When We Are in the Middle of our Trials

Here I am.
  I’m in the middle of my trial.

This is the place none of us wants to be yet as long as we live we will all go through these times.  It is usually unexpected but sometimes we see troubles approaching. 

We describe it many ways.  We call it a trial, the valley or the storms of life. 

When you’re in it you want out as soon as possible. 

Last week I was laid off from my job without warning.  I did not see it coming. 

We aren’t always prepared for it when it happens.  It’s at that moment you have to summon up your inner strength and faith in God to press through it.

Although God has brought me through many trials in the past you always wonder if He’s going to bring you through THIS time.  When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the Old Testament were cast into a fiery furnace because they would not bow to the king. God did not spare them from the fire but He was in the fire with them until it was over.  They came out of it without even smelling like smoke.

I can tell you that I know God is with me where I am now but I do have moments when fear grips me and I freak out inside a bit but God is not stressed.  He has a plan.  I just don’t know what it is yet.  I am very impatient so it’s hard for me to wait.  I like to see progress.  Some days I see absolutely no evidence of anything but I believe He’s setting things in order.  

When I was younger I tried to sing and one of the first songs was one called “I’ve got confidence” by a group named The World Challenge Singers”   My favorite part  of the song goes like this:

I’ve got confidence

Gods gonna see me through

No matter what the case may be

I know he’s gonna fix it for me. 

This is the attitude I’m trying to maintain during this time.  Maintain the confidence that God is going to work it out.  Is it easy?  No, it isn’t.  It takes courage to fight the fear.  

Just as the disciples were being tossed around in a storm on the Sea of Galilee, I need Jesus on my boat and calming the storm.  Sometimes He will calm the storm and sometimes He calms us.  I need some of that calm right now.  I tend to internalize my stress which isn’t good when my blood pressure averages about 145/100 these days.  Right now I just grab onto my trust in God and hang on.  

I haven’t always been good with going through trials.  They aren’t fun.  I wish I could be like some with stronger faith than I have.  I am not singing praise songs or church hymns 24/7 throughout this time with my hands in a prayer position.  I haven’t had eloquent prayers.  Most of the time my prayer has been “help me Lord”.  God knows those prayers.

I don’t know how or when this current trial will end.  I remain hopeful for a good outcome soon.