Saturday, June 10, 2023


I never saw it coming.

Last week, my employer decided to eliminate my position due to budget cuts.  Suddenly, the job I have had for two years was over.  I am now unemployed.  

It's these times when your faith is truly tested and - trust me - it is being tested.

Following the immediate release, I was knocked down.  

The next day I updated my resume, contacted some recruiters and sent some emails for potential jobs.  I had to bounce back up and press on.  

I won't lie.  This is hard.  Bills have to be paid.  The security I had was gone.  

I could have wallowed around and complained asking why did God allow this to happen to me.  I haven't done that.  It would be easy to do that but the overwhelming feeling I have had was that maybe God forced me out of this job for something else He has planned for me.  I wish I knew what that was but I have faith it will work out for my good.

Faith doesn't mean your aren't worried or afraid but that you trust even with being afraid.  

The next morning after getting cut, I got up and talked to God about the situation.  I thought about the times He worked things out for me.  Many years ago, I applied for a job that I really wanted and was qualified for but the interviewer shut me down by saying that they were going to hire me.  The next day there was a hiring freeze where they couldn't fill that position and I was later able to move into that position. 

Another time I applied for a job in Pensacola, Florida.  I was very much qualified and even had a friend on the interview panel.  I was stunned when I didn't get the job.  It took me weeks to recover from that but a few years later I was able to see how it would have been the wrong move.  

A few years ago, another situation worked out for me where God put everything together for me to transfer without having to even interview for the job.

He's done it before.  He will do it again.

I haven't wasted time complaining.  Just moving ahead.  

As I go through this now I can tell you that it helps to overcome the blindside moment quickly.  The more distance you can put from that moment the better.  It is easy to just lay around and dwell on it.  It's okay to feel the pain and be hurt but it isn't good to hold onto it.  Also, spend time reminding yourself (and God) about times when He worked things out for you.  

No, this isn't easy, but I am trusting.   

One song that I have played repeated since this happened has been "Desert Road" by Casting Crown.  These lyrics are encouraging.

I don't wanna write this song
I don't want this pain to be my story
I don't want this desert road
Are you sure this is the plan that You have for me?
Out here in the dust and clay
God, if there's a bigger picture
It's gettin' hard to see today
But I know that You won't leave me

I don't know where this is goin'
But I know who holds my hand
It's not the path I would've chosen
But I'll follow You to the end
Lord, as long as I am breathin'
I will make Your glory known
Even if it means I'm walkin'
On this desert road

On this desert road
(Where You lead me, I will follow)

You got my attention now
I was doin' the talkin', but now I'm listenin'
This is where my hope is found
Knowin' life is hard, but You're still with me
I'm not out here on my own
You are close to the broken-hearted
'Cause you already walked this road
And You're gonna finish what You started

I don't know where this is goin'
But I know who holds my hand
It's not the path I would've chosen
But I'll follow You to the end
Lord, as long as I am breathin'
I will make Your glory known
Even if it means I'm walkin'
On this desert road

On this desert road
(Where You lead me, I will follow)

Where You lead me, I will follow
As You lift my hand, I see
Where You lead me, I will follow
So many desperate souls in need
Where You lead me, I will follow
I'll walk with them as You walk with me
Where You lead me, I will follow
You're the livin' water to the thirsty

I don't know where this is goin'
But I know who holds my hand
It's not the path I would've chosen
But I'll follow You to the end
Lord, as long as I am breathin'
I will make Your glory known
Even if it means I'm walkin'
On this desert road

On this desert road
(Where You lead me, I will follow)
So many desperate souls in need
(Where You lead me, I will follow)
I'll walk with them as You walk with me
(Where You lead me, I will follow)