Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Hey, It's Me, I'm the Problem it's me

There is a line from Taylor Swift's newest song which gets stuck in my head often where it says: "Hey, it's me, I'm the problem it's me".  It's funny when I realize what I'm singing.  I can obviously identify with this and it's painful to admit.  Sometimes I am my biggest obstacle.

I would never lead you to believe that I am some perfect example of a Christian because I am not.  I have bad days like everyone else.  I am not exempt.  I have been hurt and I have hurt people.  I am not perfect by any means but the one thing about me is that I don't give up.  I have failed many times but I haven't given up.  My prayer has always been "God please don't give up on me as long as I don't give up on you."  

I am thankful for God's patience and mercy.  I have not obtained perfection and in this life and in this human body I will never be perfect.

So, what are some of the things that tend to create our own problems?

Sometimes we are just plain lazy.  We don't want to put in the work or discipline that it takes to being a believer.  There are times I just get tired of making the effort.  God did promise us that He would renew our strength when we get weary.  We just have to push through to get there.

We live in a world where no one wants to wait on anything.  Just take a drive through town and you'll get a good dose of impatience with how other drivers navigate around you.  We are conditioned to looking for the shortcut than allowed God to work things out for us.  I know I am guilty of this many times.  The "solution" that I think will work isn't always - and is rarely - the solution that God has in mind.  

If we're being honest, it can get boring to pray and read the Bible like we are supposed to do.  Those disciplines are difficult when we don't feel like it.  The life of a believer isn't always exciting so when it gets boring, we have to encourage ourselves and hang in there through the lean times. 

We have to have faith in God.  There are times when we doubt ourselves, but we have to keep the focus off of what we can do and put it on God.  I know there are many times I stress out on things that only God can do.  We need to have faith and leave it to God.  

Another thing that gives me problems which may or may not pertain to you is that I can be moody.  There - I said it!  This is difficult for me to confess but, yes, I can be moody.  There are times I am moody and have no idea why I am in a bad mood.  I will even talk to myself and say "why are you in such a bad mood?" Sometimes there isn't a physical or emotional reason for it.  I suppose during those times that whatever endorphins are in there aren't firing right.  

Well, it seems I have enough trouble with myself even without the enemy doing anything to me.  I'm sure we can all say that we have a lot of work to do.  It's a good thing that God is patient with us.  That's the main thing we can hold onto.  Nothing in the can mess up God's plan. Every fear we have, every choice we have made, every mistake that we regret, is a part of His wonderful and intricate plan. Our life, right now in this very moment, is His plan. nothing can stop your destiny. 

Romans 8:31 says that what then shall we say to these things? if God is for us, who can be against us? There is absolutely nothing that you can do to mess up His plan and His will. The next time we are our own problems, just remember that we are not that powerful. Trust in the process and in the one who always trusts in us.  He is for us in spite of the problems we may create ourselves.  

"Trusting God's plan is the only secret I know in the gentle art of not freaking out.”
Lysa TerKeurst