Thursday, April 20, 2023

Give People A Reason To Believe


We have problems in our world today.

82% of people admitted to committing an act of road rage in the past year.

Over 1 million Americans have been shot in the past decade, and gun violence rates are rising across the country. In 2021, gun deaths reached their highest level in at least 40 years, with 48,830 deaths that year alone.

Some 84% of people surveyed said Americans are angrier today compared with a generation ago, according to the latest NPR-IBM Watson Health poll.

Where is God in all of this? Where are WE in this as God’s ambassadors?

If there ever was a time to give people a reason to believe in Christ it is today. There is so much anger and hate in the world that we should be making a better effort to show the love and peace than one of judgments and condemnation. Instead of being a “light to the world” Christians are wasting time picking a political party or backing social issues. That’s not what we should be doing. Instead of being quick to attack, we should find reasons to love. We may not be able to perform miracles like Jesus did but we can be just as powerful in giving people reasons to believe. We need to look for ways to bless people.

Jesus didn’t call us to protest and shout words of hate, He wants us to share the Good News. We aren’t seeing much of that today. We have given non-believers more reasons NOT to believe than ever before. When they think of Christians they aren’t thinking of Jesus, they are thinking of people who hate and align themselves with people of a particular political party. This isn’t the Great Commission that Jesus gave to us to carry out.

Many are so quick to say that we should take a stand against sin but I think showing love would go a long way. Arguing the Bible isn’t getting anywhere. We need to show the love that Jesus showed. The people he condemned the most during his ministry was the religious people. When they questioned why He would associate with sinners He told them “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:31-32)

We act like was have to win a debate war or argue with people who don’t believe. The only way we are going to win anyone over is with love. There isn’t a Republican or Democrat Jesus. There is only Jesus. He’s our only hope. Without Him we would be lost. Our faith should be in Him, not a politician.

Being a reason for people to believe isn’t always about quoting scripture. People are tired of that tactic. They are looking for people with action.

Look for ways to bless people by:
  • Doing more than what is expected.
  • If the person working retail is having a bad day, be extra kind to them.
  • Opening the door for others.
  • Offering assistance if someone needs it.
  • Opening a gap for someone in traffic
  • Paying it forward at the fast food drive through
  • Saying thank you
We don’t have to preach to people. Lead people to Christ and leave the rest to Him.

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus showed His love for others by blessing and serving the poor, the sick, and the distressed. He told His disciples, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12)

So how do you think the “lost” are going to get found? By hate? Accusations? Debate? We need to be the “light of the world” that Jesus said we should be. People need a reason to believe. Are you going to give them that reason?

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