Friday, January 20, 2023

When You Need A Spiritual Reboot

Let me be honest with you right now.  I'm in a funk.  I hate to admit this to you or to myself but right now my relationship with God is meh.  It isn't exactly sparking my joy right now.  

But don't be alarmed.  I'm not giving up or backsliding.  "Backsliding" is a term I grew up with in  church where someone turned away from serving God.  I'm not there but this place I'm in isn't pleasant either.  I've been through these dry seasons before.  Although I hate it, I know they don't last but these times seem to happen a lot.  

So what exactly is a spiritual funk?

This is a season when God feels distant.  There's no excitement in praying and the relationship seems stale.

There was a time I panicked during these times because I expected - and was conditioned to believe - that a relationship with God was always charged with excitement.  I have learned to not panic and press through the dry spell.

Having worked with computers, I have learned that one of the first things to do when an application is frozen is to turn it off and turn it back on.  Many times that has been the fix needed to refresh the computer.  Right now I need to find the spiritual refresh button.

In Psalm 51:12, David was in a place where He needed to feel God's presence again.  He is asking to have fellowship with God that he once knew and enjoyed.  He says "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." 

So how does one "restore" themselves with a God that doesn't speak to us audibly?  It would certainly help matters if He did.  It doesn't make it easy.  There's also no easy fix to get yourself out of a spiritual funk but here are some things that I have found to help:

  • Find a new song - This is the number one thing that helps me when I am trying to break out of a spiritual funk.  Many times I have found a new song that renews my spirit.
  • Change up your routine - If you make changes in your daily routine with anything from what time you get up every day or how you go about your day can help with refreshing your mind.
  • Pray through it - Pray even if you don't want to.  It's not always fun but do it.  I have often prayed while walking which has helped me with a different way to talk to God.
  • Sit silently before God - This is a very difficult discipline but it can be helpful to remove ALL distractions and spend time in complete silence.  I would suggest to start with setting an alarm for 5-7 minutes to start.
  • Do something for someone else - When you help others, it helps you.  Don't be afraid to serve someone else.  
  • Fasting - Yeah, I don't get excited about this one either but it does work.  If you get desperate, fasting is one of the best ways to draw you closer to God.  Fasting isn't about getting God to do something you want, it is about getting closer to Him.
There is no magic formula for ending a spiritual dry spell but the important thing is not to panic and push through it.  I never like these times but I keep my faith while going through it.  Many people in the Bible went through these times just like us so that's encouraging to know.  Some times there is a purpose for these seasons of dryness in our relationship.  God still loves us and understands the ebb and flow of our lives.  

I love the song "Revival" by Cain which speak to these times we go through:

There are days when I wake up
And my faith is cold and tired
And the light feels so dim
It's not like me just to give up
So I'm bringing you my dry bones
Breathe in me again
I need that wind to start blowing
I need these eyes to be opened
I need my heart to keep hoping
So I'm calling out
I need a revival, feel you moving in my soul
Give me that fire I haven't felt in far too long
Holy Ghost come awaken, bring me back to the days when
Wonder working power, was alive in me
Oh I need a revival (revival)
Revival (revival)
Revival (revival)