Wednesday, January 4, 2023

How to Wait in Line

If you’re like me, you dread standing in line.  This week I had to return a package at my local UPS store recently.  When I entered the store I encountered a long line.
  I jumped into the space where what I thought was the end of the line and was informed that the end was elsewhere.  I kindly apologized and took my place in line.  As we moved along, part of the line turned which left a gap in the line.  I kindly asked the woman in front of me if she was in line since she was allowing the gap.  She informed me that she was in line but wasn’t going to move up because she wanted to continue leaning against the mailboxes against the wall.  

What’s up with people and lines today?  This is something we all have learned since kindergarten.  Somewhere along the way people have lost that lesson.  Now, I am not one of those “line monitors” but I still think people need to form a line properly.  I once got in line where it was clear that the ones ahead of me felt it was not cool to be in a straight line of any form which really created some confusion.

So are there rules for standing in line?  

#1 - Not cutting the line.  This is perhaps the universal #1 rule about being in line.  I honestly don’t understand why people who violate this rule of fairness.

#2 - Be mindful of personal space.  This one is a huge pet peeve of mine.  I have been in line at times when I could literally feel the breath of the person standing behind me.  You would think that we know a little more about “social distancing” since the pandemic.  

#3 - Pay attention and move up.  We all get bored and grab our phones but it is important to pay attention and move up in line when the line moves.

#4 - Don’t force people into conversations if they don’t want to talk.  I can tell when the people around me want to have a conversation with me by their body language.  I’m just not one that wants to talk to a complete stranger so it would be great if we would all be mindful that people don’t always want to talk because you are bored.

#5 - Single file unless otherwise directed.  When you enter a place for the line, form a single line.  It causes less confusion for others who come in behind you.

#6 - Everybody doesn’t want to hear your phone call/conversation/complaints.  Keep them to yourself or talk quietly about it.

#7 - Have your stuff ready when you are next in line.  This is a courtesy to others waiting in line behind you.  When it’s your turn, be ready.

#8 - Be patient.  None of us wants to be in a line.  Keep calm and wait your turn just like everyone else.

#8a - Allow yourself time to wait in line.  It’s easier to be patient if you allow yourself time to be in line without stressing about it.  If you don’t have time, bail out and return later.

Standing in line can also be beneficial to us as well.  This gives us a timeout in our schedule.  We have a few minutes to mentally regroup, think about our schedule and catching up on our emails.  We can use this time to our advantage.   Sometimes I have used the time in line to jot down thoughts or an outline for a blog or book ideas.  

We all have to realize that when we go out in public that we will ultimately have to line up somewhere.  We aren’t the only people in the world so let’s line up single file and wait our turn.