Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Wow Gift

I have been told that I am a difficult person to buy for when it comes to Christmas gifts.  I don't really think I am but I think it's about finding that "wow" gift.  I know that I do the same thing.  I'm always hoping to find that gift which will be a wow gift for someone to open on Christmas morning.

On that first Christmas morning in Bethlehem we were all given the best "wow" gift of all when Jesus was born.  The Bible says "thanks be to God for his indescribable gift".  (2 Corinthians 9:15)

Have you ever received an indescribable gift?  I'm not sure I have received an indescribable gift but I have received some puzzling ones but I have also received some amazing gifts over the years.  

When the wise men came to see Jesus they brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  I'm not sure we would consider those to be "wow" gifts but they did have significance as they recognized that Jesus was a king who would become the savior of mankind.

Gold was a pretty good sensible gift similar to getting cash or a gift card in our day.  We aren't told how much gold or how Joseph and Mary used it but it could have financed their trip to Egypt.  Scholars say that the gold was symbolic of Jesus' divinity.

The gift of Frankincense was a white resin or gum-like substance.  No, it wasn't something you could chew but it is highly fragrant when burned and was used in worship.  This gift was a symbol of the sacrifice that Jesus would eventually make.

Myrrh was a spice that was frequently used in the embalming process.  It was also mixed with with to form a drink.  It symbolized bitterness, suffering and affliction.  

I think we could agree that these were strange gifts at the first Christmas.  Not exactly a "wow" gift that we would wrap and put under the tree for our family.  I doubt I would give anyone any of these gifts.  

Obviously the gifts that the baby Jesus received wasn't the "wow" gift as much as Jesus himself was and continues to be for all generations that have followed that historic birth.  

So if Jesus is the indescribable gift, what can we possibly give Him in return?  What do you give someone who has everything?  He's not interested in the latest tech gadget or clothing.  It's simple.  The only thing He wants is us.  He wants to be a part of our lives and involved in what we do and how we live.  I know many cringe what they think that means but this doesn't mean you have to be a religious radical and you don't have to start going to church every Sunday.  Now if going to church is what you need then that's good but that should not be the focus of you involving Jesus in your life.  

You may or may not get that "wow" gift for Christmas but let's think about God's indescribable gift.  There's no bigger "wow" gift than that.

Have a Merry Christmas!