Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year's Solutions

Have you made your New Year's resolution for 2023?

Have you already broken it?

January is usually the busiest month for gyms.  I once knew someone who had a gym membership and said that he hated to go to the gym in January because that's when it was the most crowded with new people who had made a New Year's resolution.  

I think sometimes we just set ourselves up for failure when we make these resolutions.  Instead, let's make some New Year's SOLUTIONS by mapping out a plan of where we want to go and what we need to do to get there.  It's not always about accomplishing some big feat in the New Year or else but working our way toward what we want.  

It's good to have a plan but also wise to make allowances for adjustments along the way.  If you want to get a better job this year, begin the year by planning how to get there.  Will it require some education or taking another job to put yourself in position for it?  

Whatever the thing is, start today by sitting down and mapping out how to get there from where you are right now.  

I would encourage you to put God first this year.  It seems that when we put God first that everything else falls into place.  I'm not saying it falls into place immediately but when you align yourself with God, He could put you in the right place at the right time.  There have been many times when God has given me favor and I was in the place I needed to be at the time I needed to be there.  If you don't have God in your life, maybe give Him a chance.  What will it hurt?

As we leave 2022 and enter 2023, we bring the problems from the previous year into the new year so this is the time we should make our plan to find solutions for the problems we have.  If you need to reconcile with someone - do it.  Don't wait for them to make the move.  Too many times we wait and miss out on reconciliation sooner.

Here's some things to try to find solutions in 2023 for your life:

  • Put the phone down.  We are all so conditioned to looking at our phones way too many times.  Let's try not to pick it up the first thing in the morning.  
  • Start your morning with God.  You don't have to get all holy and religious about it, just take five minutes - set a timer if that will help - and just be silent and talk to God in your mind.  
  • When you go out into the world, be kind.  Instead of being angry or impatient, try kindness.  The world certainly needs a lot of it.
  • Enjoy the time you have with the people in your home.  Sometimes we take our families for granted that they will always be there.  Let's try to have more quality time with them this year.
  • If you don't like something, change it.  It might not be changed right away but work on it.  Turn your negative into a positive this year.
  • Stop judging people just because you don't agree with them, their politics, their lifestyle choices, their skin color or whatever.  It's not our job to judge.  
If you make a resolution - good luck with that.  If you are not able to keep it, don't let it hinder you from your goals.  You don't always have to start them on January 1st.  Do your best and allow God to join you in the New Year.