Friday, December 16, 2022


Two weeks ago, after I finished listening to a high school football game I was hit with a fever, chills and body aches.  Although I had a sore throat most of the day, I didn't think anything of it until this hit me from nowhere.

The next day my wife was sick too and we both tested positive for COVID for the first time.

The following days were not fun as fever hit 102 degrees at one point and loss of smell and taste.  It was a strange feeling but mostly it was being sick.  After all the precautions we have taken since COVID started and taking all the vaccines, boosters, wearing masks and washing our hands, somehow, we let our guard down and it finally hit us.  I'm still not sure how it got us, but it did.

I have heard people say that COVID is nothing but the flu.  While it is similar to the flu, I still don't want the flu either.  I don't like being sick.  If you know me, you know how difficult it is for me to get rest.   I'm not good at being sick.

After a few days of the fever coming and going, it finally stopped.  My wife and I quarantined ourselves from each other and wore masks when we were in the same room together.  We are finally feeling better although I still have some chest congestion.  

The news is reporting a rise in COVID, so it seems we are here again.  I know we are all tired of this.  We don't want people "forcing" us to get vaccines or wear masks.  I guess I understand the resistance but if it keeps you getting sick from COVID, the flu or any other virus going around, I think it's just smart to take whatever precautions we can to keep ourselves, our family, our friends and others safe.  No, getting the vaccines and boosters won't guarantee us from getting COVID but it helps from getting worse than it could be.  

Yes, I know the politics involved in all of this.  It's really silly to get caught up in all of that.  People look at you funny if you are wearing a mask and some will even go as far as saying some smart-ass comment about it.  There's really no need in all that.  We are all doing our best in what we need to do.  

I saw where the CDC is going to send out free home COVID tests to those who request it due to the increase in COVID cases.  I urge you to do this just to be safe.  These tests will run you from $23 to $46 at CVS.  Click here to order your free tests kits.

It doesn't matter if you are Republican, Democrat or Independent.  Anyone can get sick.  Don't let your politics determine whether or not you are going to be safe.  No, all of these measures won't guarantee that you won't get COVID, the flu, RSV or any other virus but it can increase protection against it rather than doing absolutely nothing.

Be safe and stay healthy.