Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Do You Believe in Fairy Tales?

Some people would think that my faith in God is belief in a fairytale book. In fact, I recently came across a video clip where the producer of the video was claiming that people who believed in God and Satan as people who haven’t grown up and still believe in these fairytales. It stirred me up that they would say that.

Is this what people really believe now? Am I living a fairytale?

On the surface it does look like it. I mean I can’t command God to prove himself on demand. That’s not how God works. I often wish I could be like Elijah and call fire down from heaven to show God’s mighty power. I sure wish I could, but I have learned that God doesn’t act on my command.

Yes, at times it does seem like a fairytale.

God has never spoken to me in an audible voice, I have never seen the dead brought back to life and I have never seen anyone healed. Does that still make it a fairytale? Why do I still believe?

I believe because I have witnessed the power of a changed life. I have seen people who have made the decision to follow Christ and they became totally different than the person they were before. A life that has been changed by the power of Jesus Christ is a miracle in itself and not because of some mythical character.

I know what I know and the experiences I have had in my life. I will not debate about it. All of these people who make videos on social media to support their unbelief do not speak for me. Just because they believe God isn’t real doesn’t mean they are right. We are living in a time where people will believe anything and make it appear to be truth. We have to be careful with who we listen to and the videos we watch. Some sound very convincing and even if you deflect what they say it is possible they can plant a seed of doubt in your own convictions.

Ephesians 4:14 cautions us that we are no longer infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Yet here we are. People are being tossed in every direction in their beliefs and disbeliefs. I also heard a son of a prominent prosperity preacher who posted a video that Democrats can’t be Christians. It is becoming a time when lines are drawn by political lines instead of a believer in Jesus Christ. It should never be a Democrat or Republican choice but only choice in God.

So why believe in nothing? I'm not advocating that we should just simply believe in God because it's better than believing in nothing at all. An encounter with Jesus changes our lives. What's the harm in believing?

Historians have proved that Jesus was a real person yet that isn't enough for people. Even with that, I'm sure the naysayers would find some scientific study or opinion to create doubt. When I wondered why God didn't do more in proving himself to people, I realized that the same people would still find some way to disprove it or come up with a scientific reason to explain it away. It is sad to people will work so hard at trying to disprove anything about God.

The claim that the Bible is just a book of fairy tales is certainly nothing new. Everywhere we look, people are ripping it apart. However, the Bible has been confirmed in many ways since it was written. Just because someone disagrees with what it says doesn't mean it is a book of fairy tales.

We are given the free will to believe whatever we choose to believe. There are no words I can use to convince you otherwise. The choice is yours. Are you going to believe this "fairy tale" or nothing at all? Where is your hope for eternal life?