Friday, September 2, 2022

Politics in Sheep’s Clothing

When will I learn?

When will I stop being disappointed in Christian leaders?

Today I have unfriended and unfollowed yet another one who posted a political post on social media which had absolutely NOTHING to do with sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He is the latest in a long line of Christian preachers, teachers and musicians I have disassociated myself with over the past few years because of inappropriate posts.  I’m really tired of it. 

Years ago I have several podcasts I subscribed to but today I can probably count them on one hand.

Why has this happened?

I can tell you why, it is this ridiculous notion that former President Trump has deceived many Christian leaders and their people into thinking he was for them.  There is no way a person can call themselves a Christian and also support ANY immoral political leader.  This goes for any politician or political party.  Many of the Trump followers have declared that they are the only true Christians and even some going as far as promoting some sort of “Christian Nationalism”.

I’m sick of it.  None of this pleases God either.

Why can’t we get back to the Bible and the REAL Christians?

There is a line drawn now and it’s time to be on God’s side.  

All of what is going on in the evangelical world is playing into end times prophecy by setting the stage for the Anti-Christ to enter the world’s stage.  If a charismatic leader can deceive so many, then it makes it even easier for the prophecy to be fulfilled.

If you think that all of what is going on is turning America back to God, then you are very confused.  

Social media posts which further divide God’s people are unacceptable.  Stick to the message.