Saturday, May 7, 2022

The Other Mothers

This Sunday we celebrate our mothers on Mother's Day. Let's not forget about the other mothers in our lives - the mother-in-law.

Some of you cringe when you think of this person while others can think of a good mother-in-law joke to insert here. It is true when they say that when you marry your spouse you are also marrying their family.

If you have a good mother-in-law and a good relationship with her, you should be VERY thankful. It’s awesome to have a good mother but you are more blessed if you also have a good mother-in-law.

Trust me on this - I know what I'm talking about.

For over 20 years I had a horrible experience with a mother-in-law in my previous marriage. The woman was very manipulative and overbearing. A wrong look or assumption would make my life hell for several weeks. I’m not exaggerating this description of her. It was a horrible experience.

There is not enough space to list all of the things over the course of that time. She is the reason for all of those mother-in-law jokes people tell.

When I remarried, my wife’s mother had passed away shortly before we met so I never got another chance to have a decent mother-in-law. With all that I have heard about her, I think we would have gotten along very well.

So, take my word for it, don’t despise your mother-in-law if she’s a good one.

The relationship with your mother-in-law can be a challenging one to navigate. You might hit it off right from the beginning, or you may find that you never really have a breakthrough and become friends. That’s okay. You don’t have to become BFFs, but there’s always room to bond with your mother-in-law and make your relationship stronger. Establishing barriers and having a good rapport will make life easier for you, your mother-in-law, your partner, and everyone else in the family.

If you don’t have a good mother-in-law, I feel for you. It’s a miserable life when you have to tolerate being around a difficult person. All you can do is make the effort and lean on the love you have for your spouse. You can always hope that people change.

Everyone has a different relationship with their mother-in-law, and it might be that you’re never going to be super close. But taking opportunities to bond when you can will make you feel like you're on the same team. Maybe start small and build your way up and let it happen naturally rather than forcing it. Be thankful for her and make the effort for a better relationship with her.