Saturday, April 16, 2022

What Happens When We Die?

Every year on Easter Morning we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The promise of eternal life hinges on this event. The empty tomb gives us all hope that there is life after death.

Unfortunately, not every agrees with this hope that we have. I would dare say there are less people who believe in the Easter story now than ever in history. For many, it’s difficult to believe this event which happened long before any of us were born.

So, what happens when we die? Everybody has an opinion.

Let’s take a look at what science says.

Science offers no hope at all. When we die that’s it. We are dead and we cease to exit. That’s not very encouraging, is it?

Science views death as a natural part of life. It’s not something that deserves any great fanfare, and there are usually no religious or spiritual beliefs around the passing of life. Because science doesn’t believe in the idea of a “soul,” they don’t see this as playing a large role in death. At the end of one’s life, science believes that you cease to exist. Science believes it’s more important to live life to the fullest while you can. How you put your time to use is much more important than what comes after. Science doesn’t offer much hope because they don’t have tangible proof of life after death.

And if you look to religion for the answer, you’re going to get a lot of different answers on the subject. Unfortunately, I don’t have time or space to list what every religion believes about the afterlife. The beliefs range from reincarnation to becoming Gods ourselves. Even some believers believe that when we die, we are “asleep” until Christ return.

So, what does the Bible say about what happens when we die?

The Apostle Paul wrote that when we die that we are immediately in the presence of the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8). Even Jesus told the thief on the cross that he would be with Jesus that day in paradise (Luke 23:43). When Jesus talked about the story of Lazarus that the angels took him into paradise when he died. (Luke 16:22) Paul also wrote that because Jesus rose from the grave that we have the hope of life after death. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

So based on these verses and others, when we die, our spirit is immediately escorted to paradise by angels where we are present with the Lord. Our physical body remains until the second coming of Jesus to the earth when our spirits will be returned to our bodies. THIS is why the resurrection is so important because THIS is the hope we have.

The one verse that puts it all together is the most popular verse in the Bible from John 3:16 which says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Do we have absolute scientific evidence in life after death? No. Do we have a powerful hope because of the resurrection? Yes.

So, we all must choose what our belief is about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What we believe dictates how we live our lives today. The truth is that none of us know for sure what will happen, and we certainly have no control over it. Personally, I prefer to have hope from the empty tomb.

Finally, we have a direct quote from Jesus when he was at the tomb of Lazarus and being questioned by Martha about why Jesus didn't get there in time before Lazarus died. Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying." (John 11:25)