Saturday, April 30, 2022

It Ain't Easy Being Me

I had a bad day recently. I’m sure you’ve experienced your share too. My day just never got on track and my brain just wasn’t functioning normally. Sensing that it was frustrating my co-worker, I told him that some days it ain’t easy being me. I'm not sure if he laughed or if he was frustrated with me. It clearly wasn't my day. Nothing I did was right. It just wasn't my day.

Even the Godliest person will experience bad days. Christians are certainly not exempt. I have known some who whine about the very fact that they had a flat tire and obviously thought they shouldn’t have because they were a Christian. Let’s be real about it…. we are all human and we live in an imperfect world. We all have to deal with something and sometimes we even get in our own way. We can't be on it all the time every day.

Bad days are going to happen, but we don’t have to let one bad day totally destroy us. Live to fight another day.

I worked for a sports editor who used to say that sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you. There are days that we are beaten down and feel like we have been eaten by the bear. We just have to take those punches and bounce back from it. It's going to happen to us all.

When those days happen, don't worry, God isn’t mad at you. He loves us even on those days when we wake up on the wrong side of the bed. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He gets it and He will help us get through it.

How we deal with the days when we aren't quite right is very important. If you are having a bad day here are some things, you can try:

  • Take a break - simple enough but sometimes we are stubborn and don’t want to “waste” time taking a break. Taking a short timeout can reset our minds and refresh our attitude.
  • Go for a walk - if it’s a nice day, take a walk around the block to clear your head.
  • Change your routine - changing up things can be like pressing a reset button. If you are stuck in a situation, change it up.
  • Accept it - when nothing else helps, you might just need to accept the fact that you just need to survive the day.

I hate to admit it but there are some days that I am just simply in a bad mood for no reason. Nobody else has even had a chance to make me mad but yet I'm in a mood. I could excuse it by saying it’s a chemical imbalance or some medical thing but sometimes I’m just ill. That bad mood sets me up for a bad day. It's those days that I know I'm going to have to press through it.

The good news is that all days aren’t going to be bad. Start each day with a positive attitude and expect good things to happen.  

What happened with my day? Oh, I totally blew it. I was mad and frustrated with myself the entire day. All I could do was to learn from the experience and try again the next day. I heard a preacher once who wanted to argue with me that we could be perfect if we are totally following God, but we aren't perfect and we will never be perfect. God knows that and we need to know it too. It should be comforting to us that the last words Jesus said before He ascended to heaven were: "And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:20)   That should give us hope even on the days when it isn't easy being us.