Saturday, February 5, 2022

I’m Getting On My Own Nerves!

have some of those days when the person I have the biggest problem with is the guy looking at me in the mirror. 

Don’t we all?  I think we all have those times if we are completely honest with ourselves. 

I know that there are times when I am moody or impatient or just not feeling well physically which contribute to my own problems.  I don’t need to fuss at anyone else when I can’t even get out of my own way. 

Last week I had a few moments where I was just not how I wanted to feel. My current job had a lot to do with it. I won’t go into details but there are many days it frustrates me.  My wife even commented that I looked like I had been beat up.  I will confess that I certainly felt that way. Apparently, it showed. 

There are many times in our life when we have to get ourselves a pep talk and encourage ourselves.  I am fortunate to have a supportive wife who encourages me and is on my team but sometimes people can’t truly relate to what you are going through.  

In King and Country’s latest hit song, it says:

I don’t know what it’s like to be you

You don’t know what it’s like to be me

What if we’re all the same in different kinds of ways

Can you, can you relate?

Even one of the greatest men in the Bible had moments where he had to encourage himself. 

“And David was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him because all the people were bitter in soul each for his sons and daughters, but Davida strengthened himself in the Lord his God.”  (1 Samuel 30:6)

If anyone had plenty of experience of getting in his own way at times it was David but, in those times, where he needed encouragement, he did it.  Yes, he definitely made a mess of things sometimes, but he was faithful and never gave up. It’s a nice to see these kinds of examples in the Bible because we need to relate to people who are imperfect.  

This week I was completely at my wits end with my job.  I couldn’t seem to do anything right and my supervisor got frustrated with me.  I started to wonder if I was smart enough and let a moment of insecurities into my mind.  It’s in these moments when you decide who you are going to be.  The next morning, I renewed my mind and my attitude and asked God to help me.  We can’t let one bad day defeat us.  There are going to be some days that we lose but one day doesn’t have to beat us.  

When I first came to Nashville, I replaced someone who had retired.  For weeks I heard the comparison and felt myself drowning in the job and trying to measure up to that person’s reputation. Finally, one day I had had enough.  I refused to compete with the comparisons of the person I replaced.  I said to myself and others that I was going to do things my way and that I had just as much experience to do the job.  Things were different from that day.


There were many times in my life where I thought acceptance would make me happy. It didn’t and I learned that sometimes you will never get that acceptance.  I still see people who long to make their parents proud of them.  What a huge and unnecessary burden people put on themselves. Don’t fall in the addiction of needing approval. 

I have been a writer for many years, but it has mostly been a hobby for me.  I have published my own books, but I have never had success with it.  Many times, I have had to ask myself why do I feel the need to write?  If it’s for approval of others, then I am doing it for the wrong reason.  I write because I want to.  I enjoy doing it.  I do it without the need for likes or approvals of anyone.  Sure, encouragement is nice but it’s not the reason which motivates me to write. 

I will be honest that I am sensitive at times and have let my feelings get the best of me.  I feel what I feel, and, in those times, I even get annoyed with myself for feeling the way I do.  Honestly there are times I need a break from me.  The problem is that we can’t get away from ourselves, so we have to get our minds right and adjust our attitude.  

Some days we simply won’t like ourselves, but we have to understand that there we be times like that.  As a sports editor used to say, “Some days you eat the bear and some days the bear eats you.”  We get up to fight another day. 

I have learned that I have to start each day by renewing my mind, my spirit and my soul and do my best with the day ahead of me.  Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me.”

We have no choice but to live with ourselves so let’s do our best to cut ourselves some slack on those days when we aren’t our best.