Friday, February 18, 2022

Getting Your Second Wind

I will be honest and tell you that I am not a runner and I avoid anything resembling that activity however there is a phenomenon runners will tell you about called the second wind.

This is a phenomenon in distance running, such as marathons or road running, whereby an athlete who is out of breath and too tired to continue suddenly finds the strength to press on at top performance with less exertion.

This week I have needed a second wind but not because I was running a race. Sometimes just living our lives makes us weary and we need a boost to feel renewed to press through. For me, I was just tired of working and paying the bills. I have worked a job for the past 40 years. While I am very thankful I have had steady employment, it gets a little grueling sometimes when you feel like you are working all the time. I definitely needed a mental and spiritual second wind.

The good news is that God knows us and He cares. He even offered us rest but we neglect to find that rest. I like how The Message Bible paraphrases Matthew 11:28-30.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

So how exactly does God give us rest? I mean He doesn’t show up in a tangible way and whisk us away to a tropical island. So how does He give us rest?

We have to make the effort by taking a time out to meditate and clear out minds. I know the word meditation scares a lot of believers but it isn’t anything to fear. It involves being silent and thinking about God and remembering His blessings. When we do this, somehow it resets us.

Scientists say that a second wind is the “flush of relief” when your muscles finally get the oxygen they need. Increased oxygen utilization combined with a decrease in lactic acid production creates euphoria in the middle of the race, and could be what we call second wind.

The Holy Spirit has been compared to wind. the same words in Hebrew and Greek can be translated by either “spirit” or “wind.” No one can see wind but we can see and feel the effects of it. Just as when a runner needs to tap into renewed energy, the Holy Spirit can also help us when we reach the end of ourselves.

I was definitely at the end of myself this week and in need of a second wind. It is those moments when we must turn it over to God. Jesus wants us to cast all of our cares, anxieties, worries and concerns on Him. (1 Peter 5:7)

We aren’t very good about taking Him up on His offer because we seek something tangible to do it for us because we often doubt whether God can really take care of us. Since we can’t see Him or hear Him we assume it won’t work for us when we really never give Him a chance.

I won’t say it’s easy because it’s not. It take faith and faith is always a challenge for us. In our busy world with our jobs, our families and responsibilities, rest does not always come easily. We often have to teach ourselves to rest in body, mind, and spirit. Learning to rest our souls keeps us healthy and the Holy Spirit can give us our second wind.