Sunday, January 30, 2022

What Does The Bible Say About Vaccines?

There's a lot of stuff being said about vaccines today.   Some are for it while others protest it as if it were a war against their rights.

So, what does the Bible say about vaccines?


I was scanning through the channels Sunday morning and heard a moderately famous TV preacher tell his congregation that if you didn't get the vaccine that you were considered an "enemy of the state" and that this was a battle against Christians.

No, it isn't.  It's just the continued propaganda some groups are promoting that the battle against COVID-19 is some sort of government-controlled plan by the United States Government.  If this were something to do with the United States Government, then why is this happening all over the world?  It's not a battle against Christians.   

The Bible does say that in our relationships with others, we should have the mindset of Jesus by having the attitude of a servant and not looking at our own interests but the interests of others.  (Philippians 2).  We should think of others above ourselves when debating about the vaccine.  Some Christians on the fringe like to say they have been "vaccinated by the Blood of Jesus".  While we should praise and thank God for the wonders of our bodily immune system, we should also thank God for our doctors and researchers who have developed vaccines to strengthen our immune system and preventing countless early deaths and needless suffering.  We shouldn't be afraid of rolling up our sleeves for a vaccine and think of our decision which affects the health of others. 

Instead of latching onto phrases such as "my body, my choice" in regard to the vaccine, we need to "think of others above ourselves."  

It is disappointing to see how a vaccine against a highly contagious - and potentially dangerous - virus has divided people.  I will tell you that I never debated about getting the vaccine.  My thoughts were that if it will protect me and others, I will do it.  It doesn't mean I'm Christian or anti-Christian, Republican or Democrat or Trump or Biden.  

Preachers need to stop fueling the division.  The Bible does not say anything about vaccines.  Let it go.  

While we all have the freedom to choose, we shouldn't choose for the wrong reasons.  Use wisdom and make the decision you need to make.  Even if you feel you shouldn't get the vaccine, you should still think of others and follow practices to keep others safe without the vaccine.  You're not an "enemy of the state" but it also doesn't make you immune to thinking of others and doing what you can to think of the safety of others regardless of what you decide about the vaccine.