Thursday, January 20, 2022

I'm Suffering From COVID Fatigue

For the first time since this pandemic started, I have had to do a COVID test because I came in contact with someone who tested positive.  The test was negative but now I have to make an appointment to take another test to confirm I am negative.   If I were positive, I wouldn't have to take the second test.

It is very confusing and frustrating.  So many conflicting opinions.

I'm tired of it.  If people would have just put on a mask and got the shot it wouldn't be like this.  Yes, I know you can still get COVID even with the vaccine and mask, but the chances are way less than not doing it.  I have said before, it's just a mask and a shot.  I never thought twice about doing it.  If it increases my odds of being safe, I'm doing it.   Just like putting on my seatbelt when I get in the car.  No, it doesn't guarantee that I won't die in an automobile accident, but it certainly increases my chances for surviving a crash.  

I am also very confused and frustrated by all the "guidance" out there.  If it were a flow chart it would resemble a bowl of spaghetti.  Forget the CDC.  They lost their credibility a long time ago.  So, is it 5/10/14 days we have to quarantine now?  Heck, I don't know anymore.  It depends on who you ask.  

What we should have done with each of these variants of COVID would have been to shut down for a week or two.  That's not going to happen.  Do you know why?  Greed.   We would rather people get sick and possibly die than hurt the economy.  THAT is sick.

I have heard some people say that COVID is like getting the flu.  Well, I don't like getting the flu either.  That's why I also get the flu shot every year.  I don't want to get sick.  

Back to the masks -- now we are told which masks work, and which do not.  The government is supposed to be sending us all some.  Yeah, good luck with that.  I don't know if we're supposed to be wearing KN95, N95 or BR549 masks.  I just do what my people tell me to do so I can still be around them just as long as they don't tell me something crazy like drinking my own urine.  

So, I'm tired of all this BS.  That doesn't mean I'm letting my guard down but I'm just tired of it all.  I'm tired of people fussing about it.  Just do what you need to do to be safe.  If you can wear a seat belt you can wear a mask.  If you don't wear a seat belt -- well -- I don't know what to tell you.