Saturday, December 25, 2021

Memories of Christmas Past

How To Put Presents Under Your Christmas Tree Like A Pro

Today is Christmas Day.  It is the one day in the whole year when the world seems to take a day off.  At least that has been my experience.  It is also a time of reflection back to past Christmas times.  I think most of our feelings about Christmas is formed when we are children.  If Christmas as a child was not pleasant, then chances are that you don't look at Christmas as a time to enjoy.

When I look back to my childhood, I am blessed that although we were poor, I never did without.  There was always a present under the tree for me.  Even in the leanest of times, I had something.  No, I wasn't showered with presents like kids are today, but I do have fond memories of those times.

When I think back to the toys I received on Christmas, the most exciting memory had to be when I got a handheld electronic football game. My parents were happy that I could mute the sound because I played that game all the time and took it everywhere.  It was high tech in those days with blinking dashes as the "players" I would eagerly move down the field.  I eventually got baseball, basketball and soccer games later to add to my collection.   I learned later that carrying a game to school would guarantee me a good seat on the school bus.

Of course, the games are much more advanced now.  From Atari, Tecmo Bowl and PC games, the games are much more realistic.  

I also remember getting G.I. Joes for Christmas.  The one with the "Kung Fu" grip was my favorite.  They made them a lot better back then.  

Many of my Christmas memories involve family.  We would spend them with my grandparents or my aunt who lived in a place far, far away called Council, Georgia.  Council is about as close as you can get to the Georgia-Florida line.  I remember lots of good cooking, presents and playing with my cousins.  At some point my uncle would take us for a ride in the "woods".  He knew that place like nobody else.  I'm glad they never left me, or I would have never found my own way out. 

I could also count on adding socks and underwear to my inventory thanks to my grandmothers.  

Growing up as a preacher's kid, there were a lot of memories of church during the Christmas season.  I would always be expected to play a part in the church Christmas play.  It was never a major role, usually I was a shepherd tending to his sheep in the field.  All I needed for my part was a robe and a towel to drape over my head to look "sherpherdy".  The play was always followed by a few words (no lengthy sermon) from my dad and passing out bags of fruit and nuts to everyone.  

The leanest Christmas I remember was during a time when my dad was not pastoring a church and working odd jobs.  My mother also came down with a serious case of pneumonia.  They couldn't afford to buy gifts that year, but the Salvation Army helped them out and provided me with a few toys that year. I often wonder how things would have been if we had a pandemic back then.  

I spent one Christmas in Thule, Greenland in 1983.  The base had one man-made Christmas tree which the only bright spot in the days of darkness.  I worked in the post office then and you can imagine how busy it was during Christmas.  On normal days we would get one pallet of mail but during Christmas season it would be many pallets of mail.  

One Christmas I was sick and was alone at home due to reasons I don't have time to write about.  I spent the day in the recliner with my dog watching "It's A Wonderful Life".  

Some of the strangest gifts I have received for Christmas came from co-workers.  One year a co-worker got me an ice scraper.  I had to scratch my head on that one.  People have said "it's the thought that counts" but I'm still puzzled by the thought process on that one.   Then the co-worker who got me a book about improving your attitude when SHE was the one who needed to read the book.  Funny.

There were a few Christmas times I would like to forget like one year when my mother accused me of spending more on my dad than I did for her.  So much for the "spirit" of Christmas, right?  She didn't speak to me for months after that.  There was also the year when my ex-in laws decided they weren't going to "do" Christmas for whatever religious beliefs they had at the time.  Instead, they announced they would have "just because" gifts throughout the year (which never happened).  Yes, there have been some strange Christmas times.

I have had only one white Christmas that I can remember which was, of course, my Christmas in Thule, Greenland.   I have had a few spent on the beach when we lived in Tampa.

I think we would all be lying if we didn't enjoy giving and receiving gifts at Christmas, but it isn't just the gifts alone but in combination with everything and everyone else that makes the memories.  My Christmas memories have been happier over the past 10 years and as I get older.  Yes, the bank account is drained but when you finally get to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, it's nice to breathe and enjoy it.

As you do whatever it is that you do for Christmas, I hope you enjoy this day and create your own memories.  Merry Christmas.