Thursday, November 11, 2021

View from a Veteran

I never think of myself as a veteran.  When people thank me for my service, I am a little embarrassed because in my eight years of service in the United States Air Force, I never made the sacrifice that many other veterans have made.  The closest I ever got to combat was during the late 80s when the United States was dealing with Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega in Panama.  I spent some time in Panama while tensions were high during that time.  Other than that, my service was pretty safe and I separated from active duty in 1990 just before the wars with Iraq started.  I was fortunate.  Many others were not.

So, they call me a veteran and thank me today.   I can tell you that today's America isn't the same one I served from 1982-1990.  I was once proud of America but today I am deeply disappointed in what America has become.  I am ashamed of the divisions and anger we have today.  

America is not great and it will take Americans to make it great again not a politician or any political party.  America needs to be nice again and patient with others.  I'm not seeing that today.  It's sad how angry people are today.  

In the 80's our enemy was the Soviet Union as we had the "cold war" going on strong.  It was an arms race as we were in competition to build up the military posture against the Communists.  Today we may not be in an arms race as we were then but Russia is still a huge threat only now they have done the thing that no weapons could do, they have created a divide within our country.  Anyone knows that the way to truly weaken your adversary is to cause them to fight amongst themselves.  That is exactly what Russia has done with their interference in our political system.  America has been weakened by this and has created the country we have now.

Is there a way out?  Is there a way to regain our greatness again?  I am very worried about us.  Today if you wave the American flag, you are assumed to be a Trump supporter.  That is sad.  The flag used to be a symbol of unity and freedom but today it is a sign of division.  I have also noticed that when I see someone flying the American flag that there is usually a Confederate flag flying along with it.  This is the saddest sight of all.  It is also hypocritical as you can't fly the American flag and the Confederate flag at the same time.  You can't have both.  You can't be united when you fly a flag with it that represents division.

This is what America has become and it is not the country I served.

Don't call me a patriot because I am not one.  Don't call me anti-American because I am not against America but I am anti what America has become.  I don't identify with what we have become.  I'm so fed up that I would even consider moving to another country.  I honestly feel that my service was wasted.  I did not serve so that America could be divided today.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden cannot make America great - only Americans can do that.  We need to remember what makes us united.  We used to respect our differences yet come together for a common purpose.  Where is that common purpose now?  I don't see it.  

There is no respect for anything.  It hurts me to see people disrespect our flag, our country and each other.  When the national anthem is played, I used to stand with pride, today I stand with sadness.  I want America to get back to being united but what would that even look like now?

The old saying is still true - united we stand, divided we fall.

How much further are we going to fall?

We are divided by politics, media, race and money.  How can it change for the better and bring us to a place of unity?

I honestly don't know.

I am proud to have served our country but feel powerless to do anything to make us proud of America today.