Wednesday, September 1, 2021

It's Just A Mask

I have been pushed to the limit on the idiotic debates about wearing masks to fight the spread of COVID-19 and the Delta Variant.  Did you notice what I wrote there?  FIGHT the spread of COVID-19?  I'm not trying to take away your freedoms.   

It's just a mask.

It is not a muzzle or hand cuffs or restricting anyone's freedom.   That's ridiculous.  It is a public safety issue.  I don't know why there is such a fuss.  People wear seat belts, helmets and life preservers.  This is NO different than any of those.  Somehow the masks have been turned into some kind of fight for freedom or pledge of allegiance issue.

What the???

School board meetings have now turned into heated debates -- over masks.  Seriously? You would rather pull your children out of school than have them wear a mask, and the school board saying they don't have to wear a mask isn't good enough for you? You would rather have your children contract a highly contagious and serious disease rather than have children wear a simple mask in class?

Doctors are now being threatened and scientists are being heckled simply because they are stating the facts which doesn't agree with the riotous mobs and what they want to hear.

Now if you wear a mask it is assumed you are a Democrat.  Baa Baa we are called sheep.  OMG!  What is wrong with us?

Not that I'm trying to start another conspiracy theory but I'm actually wondering if the previous two Presidential elections were hacked by foreign powers.   Since they can't overcome us with force they can do the one thing that will weaken America - create division so we fight amongst ourselves.  What other way to weakened us than for us to fight about freedoms?

I'm tired of people fussing about masks.   It's just a mask.

If COVID-19 were visible and you could see it in the air like a mist or a cloud, you can be assured people would reach for a mask to put it on.  Since it is invisible people are willing to take unnecessary risks.  Ask anyone who has had COVID and they will tell you they wish they had not had it.  Now we are seeing more and more people who have said it was a hoax or didn't believe in masks or the vaccine who are now getting it and many of them are dying.  So was the protest worth it?  Was it so bad to wear a mask?  It's a little eerie to think that COVID seems to have a mind of its own when striking the non-believers.  

There is even a "preacher" here that says you can't attend his church if you wear a mask.  He has been very vocal about his protest of COVID, masks and anything to do with anyone who aren't Trump supporters.  He is very much NOT a preacher but a political activist and craving media attention.   There is absolutely no need to be so militant about fighting COVID.  

I have NO problem if a business requires patrons to wear a mask.  I don't feel like my rights are being violated or that I am losing any of my freedom.  If a business cares enough about the safety or their employees and customers then why is it such an issue?  We are still in a pandemic.  It won't go away regardless of how much people protest.  

Just wear a damn mask!  

People fill school board meetings to protest mask mandates yet they don't put the same effort to protect students from bullying or gun violence.   A piece of cloth on the face is the biggest threat? 

Let me assure you that I hate having to wear a mask.  I'm tired of it and I'm tired of the threat of COVID but just because I'm tired of it doesn't make it go away.  I am not living in fear by wearing a mask.  I am thinking of others as well as protecting my family.  In the end it's still just a mask.