Saturday, August 7, 2021

Blessed Are The Stupid

The 31 Worst Facepalm Moments in IT

Have you ever done anything stupid?

I think we could all raise our hand on that question.  I know I have done and said many stupid things. I have even asked myself why did I do what I did.  

Honestly there are times I have gotten on my own nerves.  

Throughout my life, even when I have done something stupid, God has often bailed me out.  The awesome thing about God is that He’s still good to us even when we do stupid things.  

I have wondered many times if I have caused Him to shake His head in response to something I have done.  I am glad that God is much more patient and understanding with us that we are of ourselves.  He’s a good father.  He’s never going to call us names or tell us how stupid we are.  Our earthly fathers might do that.  I know I have been called “stupid” or “idiot” at times when I was younger.  It doesn’t exactly build a good foundation of self-esteem.  God doesn’t do that.  He’s loving and He’s patient.  

Psalm 86:15 says:  “But You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.”

God loves us in spite of ourselves.  It’s scary sometimes to realize that God knows everything about us.  Nothing is hidden from Him yet He loves us anyway.  

Sometimes we just can’t help it.  We get in our own way.  Even Paul had some of the same issues when he said “I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate."  (Romans 7:15)

If Paul had a problem being stupid then we are in good company.  God still used Paul in spite of his issues.  Just because God calls you doesn’t mean you will be perfect.  God obviously factors in our stupidity and that’s quite a relief because I can really mess things up at times.

Blessed are the stupid because God still loves us anyway.  

I’m glad we have a God who will still bail us out (or sometimes not) when we have done or said something stupid.  I just hope that we use those times as a lesson and that the learning experience will help us grow into wiser people.

In the New Testament James told us that God would give us wisdom if we asked for it.  (James 1:5)  It is definitely one prayer that He is more than willing to answer.  Believe me - I have asked for wisdom many times.  I still do.  It’s important that we remember than and not use our stupid as an excuse.  

Stupid happens to all of us.  No one is exempt.  Don’t let it get you down and cause you to fail.  Trust in God’s love to help you out of those stupid moments in your life.