Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Is the World Ending in 2029?

Here we go again.  I will warn you now that the doomsday people and TV preachers will be jumping on this event set to occur on April 13, 2029.

The asteroid Apophis is heading toward Earth.  NASA predicts that Apophis will pass within 20,000 miles of Earth.  If that holds true, it will pass between the Earth and the Moon.  The moon is 238,000 miles away from Earth.  The asteroid is about the size of the Eiffel Tower.  

I'm not feeling very comfortable with those estimates especially after all the fuss recently when a China rocket was returning to Earth and no one seemed to know where it was going to impact.  How well will they predict the passing of Apophis?

Let me give you a preview of what the prophets and TV zealots will be claiming before Apophis becomes a news item in 2029.  They will claim that it will collide with the Earth and will actually be the star referred to in the Book of Revelation as Wormwood.  Jim Bakker and his folks are already spinning this tale.  

Wormwood is a star which many interpret from Revelation 8:10-11 to impact Earth and cause 1/3 of the water to turn bitter causing many to die from drinking the water.

So is Apophis really Wormwood?

Get ready for the ones who predicted Trump would win re-election in 2020 to serve up what God tells them about Apophis.

Thomas Horn, a guest on a recent episode of the "Jim Bakker Show" claimed that he believes (emphasis on "he believes") an asteroid will hit the Earth in 2029 and will spread a virus that will lead to the rise of the Antichrist.  Coincidentally, Horn is also an author who is promoting his book about the "Wormwood Prophecy."   Horn alleges that NASA is covering up the "truth" about Apophis.

Let the eye rolling begin.

NASA released a statement last month that new radar observations combined with precise orbit analysis of Apophis conclude that there is no risk of it impacting Earth in 2029.

Still....that's not going to stop the false prophets from stirring up their followers to make a few bucks.

I will say that I don't know how Apophis will play into Biblical prophecy - if at all.  I'm not going to spend the next eight years worrying about it.