Saturday, May 22, 2021

Food Trucks and Baptisms

This week as I was mowing the grass I heard a commercial on the local radio station advertising a concert with food trucks and baptism.  I had to stop and listen to what I was hearing. 

Food Trucks and Baptism?

That just didn't seem to fit for me.  When did baptism become a side show rather than a sacred ceremony?

I think some churches are going a little too far to be relevant or their idea of think outside of the box.  You shouldn't do that with a baptism.  Baptisms are special and a significant part in the life of a believer.  A baptism is something an individual does to symbolize purification and the means by which a person makes a public profession of faith.  

Just before His ascension, Jesus instructed the disciples to "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," (Matthew 28:19-20)  It was also important enough that Jesus himself was baptized during His time on earth.  (Matthew 3:13-17). It wasn’t for entertainment.  

But if Jesus was God, why did HE get baptized?

He did it to set the example for others and was also the beginning of His ministry.  A baptism usually represents the beginning of the life of a believer.  It is an outward profession of something that has happened inwardly.  

Contrary to what some believe, the baptism act itself doesn't cleanse you.  No amount of water can do that.   You can also be a believer without being baptized. 

When a person is immersed in water and is brought out it symbolizes the death and resurrection of Jesus.  It is a very personal experience, not entertainment.  It is one that must be done with reverence.  I have experienced it myself - more than once.  Yes, you can be baptized more than once.  It isn't illegal but anytime you have lost your way and had a restart in your life, a baptism is perfectly acceptable in helping the person to reboot their life. 

So does it really need to be included with a concert and food trucks?  They might want to rethink that promotion.