Saturday, April 10, 2021

Being Anxious for Something

There are people who used to say that being anxious and worrying is a sin.  Well, if that were true, I have done a lot of sinning over the past two weeks.

Seriously though, anxious and worry are not sins but they definitely aren’t healthy for us. 

The past two weeks I have went through the emotions of anxious and worry with things going on in my life.  Even my wife could feel it.  I wish I was good at dealing with anxious times but I honestly haven’t mastered it.  

Philippians 4:6-7 tells us “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God.”

That first part is hard when it says “do not be anxious”.   I’m already behind in that verse at that point already.  It also encourages us to bring those things in prayer to God along with thanksgiving - not the holiday meal - but giving thanks for the times that God has helped us through anxious times in the past.

I did manage to do that part.  During the present time of worry, I thought back to other times when God helped me and came through for me.  Without those times and getting through them, I wouldn’t have faith.  The thanksgiving part reminded me of God’s love and mercy for me as He kept me through these past couple of weeks.  

When you have come through something, it’s easy to have faith then but when you are in the middle of it and don’t see the end, that’s when you are tested.  I will tell you that right now as I sit here to type this blog that I am physically and emotionally drained from the experience.  I am a person who likes to have a plan and know what to expect so major changes and taking risks aren’t something that comes easy for me.  

I guess this is why they call them tests.

Jesus even told us not to worry because worry doesn’t add a single hour to our life.  (Matthew 6:27). Worrying steals our peace.  One thing that I did right was to be consistent in telling God about my worries, my fears and giving me wisdom in decisions I had to make.  I don’t pray like most people do.  I know many people choose to pray loud and express themselves in very emotional ways.  I choose silence.  I remove the noise and just spend time meditating on God and try to let Him speak to me in the silence.  Does He speak to me in an audible voice?  No, but I can think more clearly in the silence than compete with the clutter of noise.  

Big decisions cause us anxiety and stress.  I can think of nothing more difficult in being an adult than having to make the big decisions.  I will share with you that God won’t tell you what decision to make and He won’t always give you a clear sign about the right answer but I can tell you that whatever decision we make, He can certainly help us regardless of the decision. 

If there is one verse that is always a comfort to me in these times of anxiety, worry and stress, it is Peter’s assurance about God’s concern for us in 1 Peter 5:7 when he said “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”